Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Okay, so there are just nine hundred and some more pics I wanna put up, along with all sorts of notes for y'all here two days before Christmas, but this is absolutely all I can do right now-- and I'm stealing time to do this!

If you've been around the porch a while, you may know that we aim for a really cool gingerbread design every year. Two years ago it was a cajun shack.

Last year it was a two story doll house for Emerson Ann's first Christmas.

This year-- what else-- but a WHO DAT theme for Grant Thomas's first Christmas! Please check out the one and only Superdome, complete with attached parking garage.

And, of course, you wanna look inside! (Okay, so our dome is sagging, just a bit. We're not
exactly architects people.)

'Ya like? We'll be checking back for compliments, oops, I mean comments!

Merry Christmas Hugs,


  1. This is classic! Sagging roof or no sagging roof, I tell you this is classic!

  2. Shellie: Is this supposed to be some sort of commentary on that last game? Well, I give you A for effort.

  3. I love it!!! I know you are enjoying your time with your two beautiful grandbabies. Yall have a Very Merry Blessed Christmas!!!

  4. Thanks, friends! I appreciate Karen's "A" and the other sweet comments. I shall admit that our dome is sagging even more today, but we like it anyway!

  5. Hey now-some of us live in a Kjun shack :P Joyeux Noel! Merry Christmas!

  6. Theme cakes and pies? Next year... a gingerbread tractor pull.

  7. OH, bayouchild-- now you know me! That's in honor of my cajun buddies-- not a slur. :))))) Merry Christmas, my friend. Give Cornbread my love!

  8. GREAT IDEA Anonymous! We'll have to remember that!
